Monday, February 9, 2009

good stuff

(entry written by kristine)

it was a little chilly on sunday morning as the folks of ::livewire:: began filing into starbucks. josh greeted everyone in the parking lot as i stayed warm inside (lol) sipping starbucks & chatting as everyone found a comfy seat on the couch or a soft chair. we kicked off at 9:12 with prayer and a few exciting announcements... one of which is that the articles of incorporation are officially approved. We are legaly livewire church, inc! AND... josh has startAdd Imageed working part time. woo hoo! no more ramen noodles for us, lol! (j/k). next josh opened his bible and began sharing an encouraging and challenging message. i saw some tears as he was his eyes and in the eyes of others as god moved on all of our hearts. monday we as a church fasted from lunch and prayed that god would provide the perfect meeting place: we are definitely going to outgrow starbucks soon! so, today we fasted... and TODAY we received a phone call with what could be the perfect meeting place! keep it in prayer. it's very exciting! we'll be visiting the facility tomorrow. it's just so exciting to surrender our lives completely to god and to watch him work out his perfect will as we give our lives totally to him. lord thank you for blessing us. thank you for your provision. may ::livewire:: be a representation of your beauty and may we glorify you in everything we do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Just a little curious to know why do you not actually write "god" with capital "G"?
    I find that quite offensive.
